Can I Be Productive Working From Home?

productivity Sep 26, 2021
StarTrust Academy
Can I Be Productive Working From Home?

As more and more countries worldwide begin hiring remote workers, this may leave you asking if you are truly able to be productive while working at home. This is a great question to ask, especially before you start a job that may require you to be productive working from home.


1. You Need To Have Self Control

The biggest aspect of being able to be productive when working from home is to have self-control. Self-control means you will need to work even when someone isn't standing over your shoulder and policing your breaks. This independence can be difficult for someone who finds themselves constantly drifting into the kitchen for an extra snack or wanting to check the score of the game on TV.


2. You Need A Separate Workspace

When it comes to working from home, you will never be productive if you do it from your couch or the kitchen table. The fridge and the TV are just too strong of distractions. It would help if you created a separate workspace. It doesn't have to be a full office, but at least a desk and a room where you can close the door to keep out distractions.


3. You Should Know What Helps You Focus

One thing about working from home is that you won't have an office environment to help shift and keep your focus when it is time to get work done. Therefore you need to have an idea of what environment you work and focus best in. This way, you can create the same environment at home. If you are successful at doing this, you will have no problem keeping on task and being productive while working from home.


4. Your Home Needs To Have Fewer Distractions

The final issue with working at home is the number of distractions you are exposed to. If it's simply a noisy neighborhood that is the problem, then this is easily remedied with a white noise machine. If your partner and kids also work from home, this can create a major problem when trying to focus on work. You will need to know how to work around this issue and be sure that you can work without constant interruptions.


Overall, it can be difficult to judge in advance if you will be productive when working from home. As long as you have a place, plan, and low level of distractions, it is highly likely that you will be able to work productively at home without an issue.





This article is part of our productivity series. 

Tap the "Productivity" category link above to read and listen to other tips on making your home office a haven for personal and professional well-being.






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