Send your Clients to your Competition... and Still Make Money

This one is super simple and surprisingly lucrative. 

Case Study

It all started when Bob (not his real name) offered coaching services to his customers. 

Bob only wanted to take on a certain number of students and no more, so he referred any additional students beyond his limit to other coaches. 

These other coaches thanked him profusely for the referrals, and Bob realized he’d goofed up because he should have been smarter and made a commission on the referrals. 

Oddly enough, none of these coaches had affiliate programs, and so he asked each of them to create an affiliate program just for him. 

Starting out with this new arrangement he noted that when he referred new clients to other coaches in which his competitors made $1,000 to $2,500 a month in coaching fees, Bob typically earned $250 to $500 a month in commissions. And that was usually over the course of 3 or more months. 

Because promoting other coaching programs to his leads and customers turned out to be so lucrative, Bob went all in by scaling up his marketing yet referred most of the new clients to other coaches he is partnered with. Today he seldom does any coaching anymore. Instead, he simply refers people to the other coaches and cashes in, earning about $10,000 a month. 

Of course, you could do both – coach students and promote other coaches, too – if you want to make even more money. 

But if the idea of coaching doesn’t sit right with you, then promoting other coaching programs might be the way to go. 

And if those coaches don’t have affiliate programs, just ask them to create one for you. 


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